In the face of threats and aggressions against healthcare workers: ZERO TOLERANCE

The assistance in cases of aggressions or threats will be totally free for the member, including the fees of the Lawyer and the Attorney of the Courts.

Protocol for threats and aggressions

The affected person will send to the Institution Legal Department the incident form, which will identify the doctor, the health center, the service and the patient or relatives, expressing the date of the facts and a brief account of them. The Department will analyze the facts for their communication by the Institution to the Territorial Directorate of Health, in order to adopt the measures provided for in the Agreement (increased security measures, centralized record of incidents, and, upon express request, the change of patient assignment).

In those cases in which the incident has criminal relevance and, due to its seriousness, the physician wishes to initiate legal action, he/she should contact the Legal Department for the corresponding legal advice and defense.

The member shall be advised of the obligation to communicate any judicial notification as soon as he/she becomes aware of it, and especially the date and time of the trial, with a copy of the corresponding summons.

Declaration of incident

More information at 96 526 10 11

Formulario en línea para la declaración.


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